Nexus 7010 Slot Numbering

Nexus 7010 slot numbering tool


Nexus 7010 Slot Numbering Tool

7006, 7009, 7010, ccie data center, cisco, data center, general, nexus, nexus 7000, nexus 7006, nexus 7009, nexus 7010, nexus 7018, nxos

Since Cisco posted that picture the other day, you know this one:
Well, since that picture was posted there has been some buzz around the chassis in the twitter feeds. Not much is officially know about this box – but the picture above proves it does exist. Not only that, I recall seeing a picture from Cisco Live 2011 – London where the EMC booth had one of these Nexus 7009 looking switches in their booth. Well here is some additional information that I have located using the assumed part number of N7K-C7009
On Cisco’s website they have a MIB posted called (clicking on that MIB will allow you to view/download it – original link here ). From what I can gather in the MIB – the Nexus 7009 will have the new Fabric-2 cards, no Fab-1 cards are even listed for this chassis. When you search the MIB, you can find the following information:
cevChassisN7Kc7009 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cevChassis 932 } — N7K-C7009 nexus-9-slot chassis
cevBackplaneN7Kc7009 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cevBackplane 57 } — MosPort9 N7K-C7009 Nexus-9-slot-backplane
cevFanN7Kc7009FanTray OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cevFan 129 } — N7K-C7009-FAN Trinacria-fan-nexus9slot
cevN7Kc7009Fab2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cevModuleN7KType 14 } — dijon9 N7K-C7009-FAB2 Fabric for Nexus7000 9slot boxster
Bonus information contained within the MIB is information on the, yet unannounced,Nexus 7006!
Granted, this is only speculation and such – but the MIB information matches what the 7009 has as well. Only time will tell if this is true.
cevChassisN7Kc7006 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cevChassis 1054 } — Nexus7000 6slot elsie n7k chassis N7K-C7006
cevBackplaneN7Kc7006 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cevBackplane 60 } — Nexus7000 6slot elsie n7k backplane N7K-C7006
cevFanN7Kc7006FanTray OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cevFan 147 } — N7K-C7006-FAN fan for nexus 6slot-chassis
I also did some searching and found this list of Nexus 7009 Part Numbers, and my assumed descriptions (in blue) of what they are.
N7K-C7009-ACC-KIT Nexus 7009 Accessory Kit
N7K-C7009-BSK Nexus 7009 Bottom Support Kit
N7K-C7009-CAB-TOP Nexus 7009 Top section Cable Management?
N7K-C7009-CM-BLK Nexus 7009 Cable Management Blank? Unknown
N7K-C7009-F-BLANK Nexus 7009 Fabric Blank Interface ?
N7K-C7009-FAB-2 Nexus 7009 Fabric 2 Card
N7K-C7009-FAN Nexus 7009 Fan Tray
N7K-C7009-FD-MB Nexus 7009 Front Dook Kit
N7K-C7009-L Nexus 7009 License
N7K-C7009-RMK Nexus 7009 Rack Mount Kit
N7K-C7009-SHPPKG Nexus 7009 Shipping package
N7K-C7009-XL Nexus 7009 XL
L-N7K-C7009-XL Nexus 7009 Scalable Feature License (allows XL featuers without requiring a hardware module change)
Another part-number that I have found that is NOT referenced on the Cisco site is this 5.6KW power supply. Wonder if the 7009 can support a smaller power supply, or this is for the Nexus 7006
N7K-AC-5.6KW 5.6kW AC Power Supply

Nexus 7000 Hardware Lab

Cisco Nexus 7000 Series 10-Slot Chassis (Also referred to as the 7010 Switch) The Cisco Nexus 7000 Series 10-Slot chassis with eight I/O module slots supports up to 256 10 Gigabit Ethernet or 384 Gigabit Ethernet ports. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series 18-Slot Chassis (Also referred to as the 7018 Switch) The Cisco Nexus 7000 Series 18-Slot chassis with.

To verify the status of a supervisor or I/O module, enter the show module slotnumber command. To verify the status of a fabric module, enter the show module xbar slotnumber command. The interfaces in each module are ready to be configured when the ok status is displayed in the show module command output. See Example 8-5. Multiple deployment strategies and line card combinations exist for the Cisco^Nexus 7010 Switch, each of which have an impact on cabling media selection and layout. These switches enable up to (384) 1 Gb/s copper connections or (256) 10 Gb/s fiber optic connections (i.e. 512 fibers) in a single 10-slot chassis.

Nexus 7000 Hardware Lab

We will complete this Nexus 7000 Hardware lab in various tasks along with its description.

Task 1: Connect to the Nexus 7000 series and determine the system software version that is currently
running on the Cisco Nexus.

DCLessons-N7k-1# sh ver
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2016, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under
license. Certain components of this software are licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each
such license is available at and
BIOS: version 2.12.0
kickstart: version 6.2(16)
system: version 6.2(16)
BIOS compile time: 05/29/2013
kickstart image file is: bootflash:///n7000-s2-kickstart.6.2.16.bin
kickstart compile time: 1/27/2016 9:00:00 [04/05/2016 21:13:37]
system image file is: bootflash:///n7000-s2-dk9.6.2.16.bin
system compile time: 1/27/2016 9:00:00 [04/05/2016 22:16:06]
cisco Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis ('Supervisor Module-2')
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU with 32745060 kB of memory
Processor Board ID JAF1843ADEM
Device name: DCLessons-N7k-1
bootflash: 2007040 kB
slot0: 0 kB (expansion flash)
Kernel uptime is 631 day(s), 16 hour(s), 39 minute(s), 21 second(s)
Last reset
Reason: Unknown
System version: 6.2(12)
Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin

Task 2: Connect to the Nexus 7000 series and determine the Cisco Nexus 7010 hardware components

DCLessons-N7k-1# sh inv
NAME: 'Chassis', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis '
PID: N7K-C7010 , VID: V02 , SN: JAF1540BLQQ
NAME: 'Slot 1', DESCR: '10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Module'
PID: N7K-M148GT-11L , VID: V02 , SN: JAF1548AANQ
NAME: 'Slot 2', DESCR: '10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Module'
PID: N7K-M148GT-11L , VID: V02 , SN: JAF1548AAQN
NAME: 'Slot 3', DESCR: '10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Module'
PID: N7K-M148GT-11L , VID: V02 , SN: JAF1548AAPM
NAME: 'Slot 5', DESCR: 'Supervisor Module-2'
PID: N7K-SUP2E , VID: V03 , SN: JAE19250CXV
NAME: 'Slot 6', DESCR: 'Supervisor Module-2'
NAME: 'Slot 9', DESCR: '10 Gbps Ethernet XL Module'
PID: N7K-M132XP-12L , VID: V06 , SN: JAF1914ABAG
NAME: 'Slot 10', DESCR: '10 Gbps Ethernet XL Module'
PID: N7K-M132XP-12L , VID: V02 , SN: JAF1551ABKF
NAME: 'Slot 11', DESCR: 'Fabric card module'
PID: N7K-C7010-FAB-1 , VID: V04 , SN: JAF1546BMJT
NAME: 'Slot 12', DESCR: 'Fabric card module'
PID: N7K-C7010-FAB-1 , VID: V04 , SN: JAF1546BMHN
NAME: 'Slot 13', DESCR: 'Fabric card module'
PID: N7K-C7010-FAB-1 , VID: V04 , SN: JAF1546BMJF
NAME: 'Slot 33', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Power Supply'
PID: N7K-AC-6.0KW , VID: V02 , SN: DTM154100KX
NAME: 'Slot 34', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Power Supply'
PID: N7K-AC-6.0KW , VID: V02 , SN: DTM154100LH
NAME: 'Slot 35', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Power Supply'
PID: N7K-AC-6.0KW , VID: V02 , SN: DTM154100RR
NAME: 'Slot 36', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan Module'
PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-S , VID: V01 , SN: FOX1537XA0X
NAME: 'Slot 37', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan Module'
PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-S , VID: V01 , SN: FOX1537XABQ
NAME: 'Slot 38', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan Module'
PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-F , VID: V02 , SN: FOX1538XAPP
NAME: 'Slot 39', DESCR: 'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis Fan Module'
PID: N7K-C7010-FAN-F , VID: V02 , SN: FOX1538XANT

Nexus 7010 Slot Numbering Machines

This Command will show you how many modules, what types of modules, Supervisor, and other
Hardware components are installed in this Nexus Box. It display information about the field
replaceable units (FRUs), including product IDs, serial numbers, and version IDs by entering the show
inventory command.
The Above output can also be found by giving the Show Module Command on the Nexus Box. This
Command provides the Module type / Module number Installed on the particular Slot and also provides
the Status and Physical address.

DCLessons-N7k-1# show module
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
1 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Module N7K-M148GT-11L ok
2 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Module N7K-M148GT-11L ok
3 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Module N7K-M148GT-11L ok
5 0 Supervisor Module-2 N7K-SUP2E ha-standby
6 0 Supervisor Module-2 N7K-SUP2E active *
9 32 10 Gbps Ethernet XL Module N7K-M132XP-12L ok
10 32 10 Gbps Ethernet XL Module N7K-M132XP-12L ok
Mod Sw Hw
--- -------------- ------
1 6.2(16) 1.2
2 6.2(16) 1.2
3 6.2(16) 1.2
5 6.2(16) 6.1
6 6.2(16) 6.1
9 6.2(16) 3.4
10 6.2(16) 1.3
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
1 64-9e-f3-e0-b5-fc to 64-9e-f3-e0-b6-2f JAF1548AANQ
2 28-94-0f-52-c7-60 to 28-94-0f-52-c7-93 JAF1548AAQN
3 28-94-0f-8c-66-18 to 28-94-0f-8c-66-4b JAF1548AAPM
5 84-b5-17-f4-25-68 to 84-b5-17-f4-25-7a JAE19250CXV
6 50-87-89-4a-71-a2 to 50-87-89-4a-71-b4 JAF1843ADEM
9 84-b8-02-17-71-04 to 84-b8-02-17-71-27 JAF1914ABAG
10 c4-64-13-7d-bb-68 to c4-64-13-7d-bb-8b JAF1551ABKF
Mod Online Diag Status
--- ------------------------------------------------
1 Pass
2 Pass
3 Pass
5 Pass
6 Pass
9 Fail
10 Pass
Xbar Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- ----------------------- ------------------ ----------
1 0 Fabric Module 1 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 ok
2 0 Fabric Module 1 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 ok
3 0 Fabric Module 1 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 ok
Xbar Sw Hw
--- -------------- ------
1 NA 1.2
2 NA 1.2
3 NA 1.2
Xbar MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
* this terminal session

Cisco Nexus 7000 Series switches support up to five fabric modules in the chassis. Each chassis has its
own type of fabric module as follows:

  • Cisco Nexus 7009 chassis uses the Fabric 2 (N7K-C7009-FAB-2) modules.
  • Cisco Nexus 7010 chassis uses the Fabric 1 (N7K-C7010-FAB-1) or Fabric 2 (N7K-C7010-FAB-2)
  • Cisco Nexus 7018 chassis uses the Fabric 1 (N7K-C7018-FAB-1) or Fabric 2 (N7K-C7018-FAB-2)
  • The Cisco Nexus 7004 switch does not include fabric modules.

Nexus 7010 Slot Numbering Machine

If your chassis has more than one I/O module, you can check the progress by repeatedly using the show
module command and viewing the Status column each time.
The I/O module goes through a testing and an initializing stage before displaying an ok status Table
describes the possible states in which a module can exist.